Do Not Feel Powerless

Andrew Singleton
1 min readJun 30, 2022

This is not a reasoned argument.

This is not an instructional manual.

This is not a story of some other time in history when things looked bad, but goodness overcame.

This is a pump-up speech.

A get-fucking-angry speech.

A reminder to you that you have real power.

This country belongs to you. It belongs to your parents and children and brothers and sisters. Of all ethnicities. Of all gender orientations.

This country doesn’t work without you. Without your consent, without your participation, without your fucking tax dollars.

For a long time a group of racists, fundamentalists, fascists, and radicals have loudly monopolized the conversation.

It’s time to get louder. It’s time to get more angry. It’s time to be willing to get uncomfortable. It’s time to trust the people around who feel the same way you do. It’s a lot of us. It’s most of us.

It’s time to fucking fight.

This is no less than a fight for the liberties this country was founded on. And you are no less than any of those warriors and patriots. Patrick Henry. Betsy Ross. Crispus Attucks. You.

So get the fuck out there.

You have power. Use it.



Andrew Singleton

Writer, photographer, artist, ad creative, eater, breather, sleeper. Published on McSweeney’s, Medium, and the occasional bathroom wall.